Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wackenhut_What the F@#$!

Issue: Privatization of prisons.

Not a new issue at all but wholly crap, when are we going to wake up? Dozens of these private prisons are all over Texas, Florida, New Mexico, you name the State-they are there. They took over Abu Ghraib, London prisons, Scottish prisons, Guatemalan-that is the photo.

This company that started as a prison food supplier in the sixties (now there is a resume) expanded during the, are correct-The Reagan Administration!!! Is now making a profit off of people who go to jail. Jail for profit? Seriously does that make sense to anyone who says those three words together, j-a-i-l f-o-r p-r-o-f-i-t. NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. A society that profits from its prisoners is certainly not civilized, that means we have something to gain by them being there. As a society we benefit from members of our society being productive not in prison. Don't even start arguing that people in prison were not being productive and that is why they are there. Lame argument. The whole idea of jail for profit is pro-capitalism and anti-human. Once in these private prisons they are working to make money for those corporations, making blue jeans, tables, chairs, you name it, and not for a personal profit, meaning slave labor. Nobody wants to believe this but a cursory look at these companys, the stories that have been done by very main stream media will confirm this is the truth.

So, Wackenhut that started out serving sloppy joes and frozen peas to prisoners is now not only in the privatized prison business but as you can see by the photo, they are running around with machine guns in antigua and other places guarding "cash" from restaurants similar to KFC. The reason I keep harping on the presence in Guatemala is because I have seen first hand there what I cannot and have not seen at Abu Ghraib. What I mean is this. Everyone knows or at least has some idea of the United Fruit Company and its generations of exploiting labor in Guatemala, the banana massacre, the near slave conditions and unsafe work environment provided for their employees. They changed the name but what really has changed, the face of Guatemala hasn't. Chiquita Banana is no better than United Fruit. Just like Kentucky Fried Chicken is still just as bad for you as the newly named less "fried" sounding KFC.

A little digging shows that the heads of these companies have ties to the Yale elite, yes-the Bush family. Isn't this all just a bit sickening? Seriously, time to get upset, demand change, speak out!

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